
Starts March 2021
Interested in becoming a facilitator?
This online training program may be for you if:
You've experienced freedom from your suffering through these techniques and want to help others.
You have extensive experience working with clients using mindfulness and self-inquiry and want to learn powerful new tools that you can incorporate to deepen your own practice.
You already work as a clinician, counsellor, or healer, and want to acquire new tools to adequately and safely address clients' past emotional triggers.
You simply want to continue your own deepening.

About KI
The Kiloby Inquiries Enable us to:
Relax our identities and deficiency stories and rest more fully in the present moment
Mine out the core beliefs that hold our 'identities' in place
Rest, allow, and inquire into words, images, bodily sensations, and emotions as they arise
Understand the drivers of addictions and unhealthy behaviors
Dissolve emotional triggers, shame, and fear
Relieve stress, anxiety, and bodily tension
Reduce physical and emotional pain
Meet the Trainers
Matt Nettleton
Matt has had a long personal history of addiction and trauma, his lived experience takes him far beyond any education he has had. He now abides primarily in the present moment, and holds the space for others during session in order to bring freedom from the minds narratives.
He is more than happy to work with people who have had a significant shift of identity into presence/awareness, and are wishing to deepen that experience, or those that simply wish to be free from trauma.
Julianne Eanniello
Julianne is co-founder and Clinical Director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery in Rancho Mirage CA. She has been training and certifying facilitators in these inquiry methods since 2012. She developed this robust, live training program, and brings her own personal touch in helping you gain the skills and confidence necessary to work effectively and professionally with others and to help you deepen your own experience of presence. She is a warm, compassionate, highly skilled, and effective facilitator and trainer.
What does the training include?
This training will provide you with opportunities to gain the required skills, experience, knowledge, confidence, support and deepening to meet our certification requirements, so that you become a competent and professional Kiloby Inquiries Certified Facilitator, if you wish to. It includes training and certification in the newer methods that have been developed at The Kiloby Center for Recovery.
How Can I Use My Certification?
Once certified in KI, applicants may apply for available positions at the Kiloby Center for Recovery, Natural Rest Detox and Residential House, future centers to be opened around the country, work in private practice using these methods, or simply use these for your own growth and development.
HOw is the training organized?
Training will take place online. It will consist of approximately 10 -12 online group calls which run for 2.5 hours.
The group calls typically run weekly for the first few weeks, then we spread them out more to give you time to practice the skills you’re learning.
You will also receive four facilitated sessions – one by each of your trainers, as well as two additional facilitated sessions from certified support facilitators who will be assisting in training. There will also be several small group calls with your trainers for practice/feedback time.
practice with other trainees
In order to gain expertise, you will need to practice regularly with other trainees, once given the go-ahead by your trainers. Minimum practice time should be at least one session each of giving and receiving facilitation, per week. More often is better. In addition, you should plan on spending a minimum of 2 hours per week on self-practice.
is there anything else I should Know?
The more practice you get, the sooner your chances of being certified. As it gets closer to evaluation time, we will ask you to do some Feedback Sessions with our support facilitators. In these sessions, you will facilitate them, and they will give you feedback and coaching to help you fine-tune your skills and help prepare you for certification. We also suggest that you read the book "Natural Rest for Addiction" by Scott Kiloby.
This training can be an intensive experience. Expect your own deficiency stories to come bubbling up to the surface. Previously unseen or unconscious triggers, stories, and emotional pain may arise during training. Although this may not happen, for many it does – and it’s totally normal. We suggest that you get to know your fellow trainees as soon as possible through the private Facebook page we will establish for this training course. We also suggest that you get comfortable sharing your experiences with each other, asking for support, and being available to support your fellow trainees. The experiences you have or that you observe in your fellow trainees can help you better understand and respond to the experiences future clients will have.
Boomerang and Panorama
Natural Rest
The NOW Method
Simple Inquiry
The Kiloby Clearing Method
Mindful Motivational Reprocessing (MMR)
Thank You Phrase
Make It Stay
Metaphysical Hands
Focus Shifting
Untethering Contractions
Reverse Inquiry
The Shadow Process
Trigger Worksheet
Historical Triggers Inventory
And more

“I feel truly honored, humbled, and blessed to have discovered this work and to be training in this work with some incredible people. It continues to be life-changing.” ~ Ash Rav
“What strikes me most about Julianne as a trainer is her unending patience and deep kindness. Not once during the training was I made to feel less-than, or like a question I had to offer wasn’t valid. Julianne brings a sense of safety, of whatever comes up being okay, that was so sorely lacking from the educational contexts I grew up in. As a group, we developed a precious sense of comradery and vulnerability under her wing. On a personal level, I absorbed an understanding of inquiry that went beyond the techniques in question.” ~
Alec Rodrigues